Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Influence of Technology on decision making Assignment
Influence of Technology on decision making - Assignment Example First, it is the tangible category, which includes the models, blue prints, operating manuals and lastly the prototypes. Second category is the intangible. Here, technology is divided into sub categories involving the problem-solving, training method and lastly the consultancy section. Third category is high. It follows that the above represents the entire aspect of intelligent and automated technology that logically manipulate ever-powerful forces and finer matters. The fourth category is the intermediate part, which involve the following: partially and semi-automated technology that bears the mandate of manipulating medium level forces and refined matters. The fifth category is the low. Here, it is worth noting that the low category of technology in an organization involves a technology that manipulates the objects in a labor-intensive manner (Argenti, 2006.p. 5). It is pertinent top note that decision-making is a vital stage in the progress of manipulating data in a firm to acquir e the desired output. Therefore, it is pertinent for the organization to embrace technology when solving pertinent issues on decision making as stated in this essay. On other hand, decision-making is the section of the management that is integrated. In management criterion, the sound decision-making and rational is referred to as the primary function of management. It is worth noting that for any management to be successful, managers usually take in a lot of decision either consciously or subconsciously, and letter they make it core concepts in their management role (Dede, 2000.p. 2). First, according to (Argenti, 2006.p. 23) it is important to heed that manipulate of Technology on decision-making where the decisions arte made on ladders. The author goes ahead to illustrates that the above depends on the kind of technology to be employed. Therefore, the author argues that for effective analysis of decision-making, it is pertinent to correspond it with the right technology. For insta nce, if process cost and data storage has gone down, it is important to employ information in the database. Therefore, it will be easier for the managers to access the information thus making necessary decisions. The articles, written by Vannoy,& Palvia,, Argenti and also Vannoy, although they both bear different tiles the authors’ aim was to bring at home the point that the kind of technology used will affect the desired output. Some of the technology in list is the emails, wireless data transfer as well as mobile phone. The authors affirm that such technology has mad it easier for those employed to tackle the communication issue in the organization. At the same time, the article written by (Awasthi, & Varman, 2010.p. 65), involves data collection by the school of economics in London. The above school collected data about the structure of organization, which was compared to multinational firm (Dede, 2000.p. 23) as per the article written by (Christensen-Szalanski, 2010). It is evident that the above study aimed at examining the links between communication technology and the information flow in organizational structure. Thus the authors asserts that ERP a long with technology paves way for the workers to effectively solve both the production and design problems without their superior’s inputs. In addition, the researchers did conclude that it ids high time for the companies to be keen on the use of technologies. The above sentence is in regard to where decisions making should be incorporated.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Homosexuality and God Essay Example for Free
Homosexuality and God Essay LGBT is an initialism that collectively refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. In use since the 1990s, the term LGBT is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which itself started replacing the phrase gay community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, which many within the community in question felt did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred. The initialism has become mainstream as a self-designation and has been adopted by the majority sexuality and gender identity-based community centers and media in the United States and some other English-speaking countries. The term LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures and is sometimes used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or cisgender instead of exclusively to people who are homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer and/or are questioning their sexual identity as LGBTQ, recorded since 1996. In Malaysia, LGBT rights are partially recognized. LGBT individuals encompass all races and ethnicities, religions, and social classes. Sexual orientation and gender identity questions are not asked on most national or State surveys, making it difficult to estimate the number of LGBT individuals and their health needs. Research suggests that LGBT individuals face health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBT persons has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide. Experiences of violence and victimization are frequent for LGBT individuals, and have long-lasting effects on the individual and the community. Personal, family, and social acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity affects the mental health and personal safety of LGBT individuals. It is important to recognize the difference between sexual orientation and sexual behavior as well as the differences among sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender role. Sexual orientation is the affectional or loving attraction to another person. It can be considered as ranging along a continuum from same-sex attraction only at one end of the continuum to pposite-sex attraction only at the other end. Heterosexuality is the attraction to persons of the opposite sex; homosexuality, to persons of the same sex; and bisexuality, to both sexes. Sexual orientation can be seen as part of a continuum ranging from same-sex attraction only (at one end of the continuum) to opposite-sex attraction only (at the other end of the continuum). Sexual behavior, or sexual activity, differs from sexual orientation and alone does not define someone as an LGBT individual. Any person may be capable of sexual behavior with a person of the same or opposite sex, but an individual knows his or her longingsâ€â€erotic and affectionalâ€â€and which sex is more likely to satisfy those needs. It is necessary to draw a distinction between sexual orientation and sexual behavior. Not every person with a homosexual or bisexual orientation is sexually active. A person’s sexual orientation does not tell us if she/he is sexually active or does it define her /his specific sexual behaviors. Similarly, sexual behavior alone does not define orientation. A personal awareness of having a sexual orientation that is not exclusively heterosexual is one way a person identifies herself or himself as an LGBT person. Or a person may have a sexual identity that differs from his or her biological sexâ€â€that is, a person may have been born a male but identifies and feels more comfortable as a female. Sexual orientation and gender identity are two independent variables in an individual’s definition of himself or herself. Sexual identity is the personal and unique way that a person perceives his or her own sexual desires and sexual expressions. Biological sex is the biological distinction between men and women. Gender is the concept of maleness and masculinity or femaleness and femininity. One’s gender identity is the sense of one’s self as male or female and does not refer to one’s sexual orientation or gender role. Sex refers to the biological characteristics of a person at birth, while gender relates to his or her perception of being male or female and is known as the gender role. Gender role refers to the behaviors and desires to act in certain ways that are viewed as masculine or feminine by a particular culture. A culture usually labels behaviors as masculine or feminine, but these behaviors are not necessarily a direct component of gender or gender identity. It is common in our culture to call the behaviors, styles, or interests shown by males that are usually associated with women â€Å"effeminate†and to call the boys who behave this way â€Å"sissies. Women or girls who have interests usually associated with men are labeled â€Å"masculine†or â€Å"butch,†and the girls are often called â€Å"tomboys. †Transsexuals are people with the biological characteristics of one sex who identify themselves as the opposite gender and have had some type of surgical alteration and/or hormone treatments that changes their bodies’ appearance in alignment with their identity. While understanding the various concepts used in sexual orientation in general, it is very imperative to define in specific details definition of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) accordingly. Lesbian which is originally a Greek word, is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between females. The word may be used as a noun, to refer to women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality, or as an adjective, to describe characteristics of an object or activity related to female same-sex desire. Lesbian as a concept, used to differentiate women with a shared sexual orientation, is a 20th-century construct. Gay is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior toward/between males. Gay is a word (a noun or an adjective) that primarily refers to a homosexual person. The word gay arrived in English during the 12th century from Old French gai, most likely deriving ultimately from a Germanic source. The term was originally used to refer to feelings of being carefree, happy, or bright and showy; it had also come to acquire some connotations of immorality as early as 1637. The terms use as a reference to homosexuality may date as early as the late 19th century, but its use gradually increased in the 20th century. In modern English, gay has come to be used as an adjective, and as a noun, referring to the people, especially to men, and the practices and cultures associated with homosexuality. By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major LGBT groups and style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex. Bisexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior toward males and females. The term is especially used in the context of human sexual attraction to denote romantic or sexual feelings toward men and women. It is one of the three main classifications of sexual orientation, along with a heterosexual and a homosexual orientation, all a part of the heterosexual–homosexual continuum. People who have a distinct but not exclusive sexual preference for one sex over the other may identify themselves as bisexual. Transgender is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to vary from culturally conventional gender roles. Transgender is the state of ones gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching ones assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex). †Transgender does not imply any specific form of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual; some may consider conventional sexual orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable to them. The precise definition for transgender remains in flux, but includes: Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these. People who were assigned a sex, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves. Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the sex (and assumed gender) one was assigned at birth. A transgender individual may have characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender, identify elsewhere on the traditional gender continuum, or exist outside of it as other, agender, Genderqueer, or third gender. Sexuality and gender have different impacts in each culture’s laws, attitudes, and organizations. More secular and â€Å"modernized†societies often have more favorable treatment of LGBT individuals than societies which value tradition and r eligious piety. However, accurate generalizations are difficult to make; even within Malaysia, attitudes towards LGBT individuals vary from person to person. Cultural differences in LGBT issues have wide-ranging effects. Other cultures may have different ways of expressing affectionâ€â€for example, in India, it is common for same-sex friends to hold hands without any assumption of a romantic connectionâ€â€or of categorizing gender and sexualityâ€â€for example, in parts of Latin America, a man is not considered gay if he engages in same-sex intercourse as the insertive artner. Thus, American English terms and conceptualizations of LGBT issues may not directly translate. The visibility of LGBT individuals and organizations varies by culture. Some cultures have an underground LGBT scene where LGBT individuals are tolerated as long as they remain mainly closeted, whereas other cultures may have a more open and organized community of LGBT individuals. In addition, some cultures may provide legal protection for LGBT individuals and recognize their partnerships, while other cultures may criminalize same-sex intercourse. Globally in some country; For example in Malaysia, Cross-dressing(Gender identity/expression) is not technically a crime. However, transgender individuals have often been arrested by police officers under the civil laws governing public indecency, and if they are Muslim, can be further charged by religious officers under Sharia Laws for impersonating women. For example, in 1998, Forty-five Muslim transvestites were charged and convicted in court for dressing as women, and twenty-three more transgender persons faced similar fines and imprisonment in 1999. Finally, there may be major differences within the LGBT community in a specific culture; for example, in parts of southeastern Asia it is considered culturally acceptable for a man to have sex with a feminine transgendered man, while there are no such provisions for women having sex with transgendered women. Homosexuality: The Christian Perspective (LESBIAN, GAY Bisexuality) In a world of moral confusion and ethical compromise, the principles for which the Holy Bible stands, is directing the Christians in the right path to God and the way of life. The Christian point of view is based solely upon the Bible, the divinely inspired Word of God. A truly Christian standard of ethics is the conduct of divine revelation, not of statistical research or of public opinion. For the Christian, the Bible is the final authority for both belief and behaviour. The Explicitly the Bible teach about homosexuality can be considered as basic because, if we accept Gods Word on the subject of homosexuality, we benefit from His adequate answer to this problem as seen in Christianity. This project is concerned only with the Christian or biblical view of homosexuality. The Bible has much to say about sex sins in general for a view in Homosexuality in Christian perspective. First, there is adultery. Adultery in the natural sense is sexual intercourse of a married person with someone other than his or her own spouse. It is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments (Exodus 20:14; I Cor. 6:9, 10). Christ forbids dwelling upon the thoughts, the free play of ones imagination that leads to adultery (Matthew 5:28). Second, there is fornication, the illicit sex acts of unmarried persons which is likewise forbidden (I Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; Ephesians 5:3). Then there is homosexuality which likewise is condemned in Scripture. The Apostle Paul, writing by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, declares that homosexuality shall not inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9; 10). Now Paul does not single out the homosexual as a special offender. He includes fornicators, idolators, adulterers, thieves, covetous persons, drunkards, revilers and extortioners. And then he adds the comment that some of the Christians at Corinth had been delivered from these very practices: And such were some of you: But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God (I Corinthians 6:11). All of the sins mentioned in this passage are condemned by God, but just as there was hope in Christ for the Corinthians, so is there hope for all of us. Homosexuality is an illicit lust forbidden by God. He said to His people Israel, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination (Leviticus 18:22). If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them (Leviticus 20:13). In these passages homosexuality is condemned as a prime example of sin, a sexual perversion. The Christian can neither alter Gods viewpoint nor depart from it. In the Bible sodomy is a synonym for homosexuality. God spoke plainly on the matter when He said, There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel (Deuteronomy 23:17). The whore and the sodomite are in the same category. A sodomite was not an inhabitant of Sodom nor a descendant of an inhabitant of Sodom, but a man who had given himself to homosexuality, and the unnatural vice for which Sodom was known. Let us look at the passages in question: â€Å"But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house around, old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men hich came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. (Genesis 19:4-8)†The Hebrew word for know in verse 5 is yada `, a sexual term. It is used frequently to denote sexual intercourse (Genesis 4:1, 17, 25; Matthew 1:24, 25). The message in the context of Genesis 19 is clear. Lot pled with the men to do not so wickedly. Homosexuality is wickedness and must be recognized as such else there is no hope for the homosexual who is asking for help to be extricated from his sinful way of life. Romans 1:24-27; I Timothy 1:10 and Jude 7. If one takes these Scriptures seriously, homosexuality will be recognized as an evil. The Romans passage is unmistakably clear. Paul attributes the moral depravity of men and women to their rejection of the truth of God (1:25). They refused to retain God in their knowledge (1:28), thereby dethroning God and deifying themselves. The Old Testament had clearly condemned homosexuality but in Pauls day there were those persons who rejected its teaching. Because of their rejection of Gods commands He punished their sin by delivering them over to it. The philosophy of substituting Gods Word with ones own reasoning commenced with Satan. He introduced it at the outset of the human race by suggesting to Eve that she ignore Gods orders, assuring her that in so doing she would become like God with the power to discern good and evil (Genesis 3:1-5). That was Satans big lie. Paul said that when any person rejects Gods truth, his mind becomes reprobate, meaning void of sound judgment. The reprobate mind, having rejected Gods truth, is not capable of discerning good and evil. In Romans 1:26-31 twenty-three punishable sins are listed with homosexuality leading the list. Paul wrote, For this cause God gave them up into vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. †(Romans 1:26, 27). These verses are telling us that homosexuals suffer in their body and personality the inevitable consequences of their wrong doing. Notice that the behaviour of the homosexual is described as a vile affection (1:26). The Greek word translated vile (atimia) means filthy, dirty, evil, and dishonourable. The word affection in Greek is pathos, used by the Greeks of either a good or bad desire. Here in the context of Romans it is used in a bad sense. The vile affection is a degrading passion, a shameful lust. Both the desire (lusting after) and the act of homosexuality are condemned in the Bible as sin.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Freud and Jung Essay -- Psychology
Freud and Jung The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to a psychologist’s mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest and speculation. Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology. Psychoanalysis has been an area that Carl Jung has explored, critiqued and perfected in his lifetime. Jung was not alone in his exploration of the psyche; there were many other psychoanalytic perspectives as well. Carl Jung was said to have been a magnetic individual who drew many others into his circle. Sigmund Freud was Carl Jung’s greatest influence. Although he came to part company with Freud in later years, Freud had a distinct and profound influence on Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic perspectives, as well as many others. Within the scope of analytic psychology, there exist two essential tenets. The first is the system in which sensations and feelings are analyzed and listed by type. The second has to do with a way to analyze the psyche that follows Jung’s concepts. It stresses a group unconscious and a mystical factor in the growth of the personal unconscious. It is unlike the system described by Sigmund Freud. Analytic psychology does not stress the importance of sexual factors on early mental growth. The best understanding of Carl Jung and his views regarding the collective unconscious are best understood in understanding the man and his influences. In keeping with the scope and related concepts of Carl Jung, unconscious is the sum total of those psychic activities that elude an individual’s direct knowledge of himself or herself. This term should not be confused either with a state of awareness, that is, a lack of self knowledge arising from an individual’s unwillingness to look into himself or herself (introspection), nor with the subconscious, which consists of marginal representations that can be rather easily brought to consciousness. Properly,... ...s. Freud's assumption that sex is the driving force behind everything could also be a product of his times. Sexual feelings were often repressed. The problem with paradigmatic assumptions is that each person grows up in a different culture and some theories don't apply to everyone. The problem with psychology remains that it is not an exact science. Though Jung’s ideals may have been molded by Freud and further critiqued and perfected, it may further be perfected in the future. And such is the arena of science, an ever-changing, dynamic field that undergoes much scrutiny and much refinement. Works Cited Carl Gustav Jung: BK. Rev. The Economist, Vol. 340 September 14, 1996 Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology: Exploration and Application, 7th Edition. Minnesota: West Publishing Company, 1995. Ellenberger, Henri F. The Discovery of the Unconscious. The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, 1970. Freud, Sigmund. The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Brill, A. A.: Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., July 1979. Piaget, Jean, et al. The Psychology of The Child. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, Ltd., 1972.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Your Sore Throat Strep?
Is Your Sore Throat Strep? By Kristin Hayes, About. com Guide Updated October 06, 2009 About. com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board Question: Is Your Sore Throat Strep? It can be difficult to tell if your sore throat is strep or simply a cold virus. However, in most cases of strep throat there are some key differences. Answer: The only way to know for sure if your sore throat is strep is to have a rapid strep test or a throat culture.These tests must be performed at a physician's office, but let's face it you can't go running in to the doctor every time your throat gets a little scratchy. Characteristics of strep throat include a severe sore throat that may cause pain or difficulty swallowing. The back of the throat is usually very red and there may be white patches in the back of the throat or on the tonsils. The tonsils and lymph nodes also may be swollen. Some people get a fever. It is not uncommon to be very tired and achy or to lose y our appetite.In some cases you may get a rash. The biggest difference between strep throat and a cold virus is that strep throat usually does not cause runny nose, congestion, sneezing or coughing. All cases of strep throat must be treated with an antibiotic to avoid serious complications including heart problems, kidney problems or Scarlett fever  especially in children. For these reasons, it is very important to see the doctor if you or your child have symptoms of strep throat.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
This Is Water Reaction
Commentary and reaction to David Foster Wallace’s â€Å"This is Water†This speech was clear and direct to the point, especially both parables David told. He did not force his ideas; he merely explained his realizations and suggested actions. It is how he said it though, that made me want to listen to him more. I sthrongly agree with the suggestion of taking the spotlight away from ourselves and our misfortunes and pointing it towards other things and people we encounter. Some people are really egocentric to care about others and their problems (which are probably worse than theirs).This type of self-centred thinking affects our mood in a way where it may dampen our happiness. His speech raised my awareness on the arrogance of some people, and of mine too at times. He talked about learning to think, learning to control what you think. I feel that that is a step close to being a more positive and happy person. If you submit yourself to negativity, it will ruin you. We ha ve choices; it’s just a matter of making the right one not only for you but for everyone involved.What struck me the most was what he called the Capital T– Truth which is what matters  life before death. His message was to not stick to a routine just because you are afraid of change. Do not be dull, be alive. The major lesson I took from his speech was to enjoy every experience life offers us to make the most of our lives instead of living in the fast lane which will cause us to forget what and how things happened. Our lives are limited and so we shouldn’t make the least of it by worrying about mishaps and troubles. If we do, then that is truly a life wasted.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Discover 5 Essential Qualities of a Good Teacher
Discover 5 Essential Qualities of a Good Teacher Educational studies suggest that the essential qualities of good teachers include the ability to be self-aware of ones biases; to perceive, understand and accept differences in others; to analyze and diagnose student understanding and adapt as required; to negotiate and take risks in their teaching; and to have a strong conceptual understanding of their subject matter. Measurable and Measuring Most teachers are paid according to their experience and educational attainment, but as educator Thomas Luschei has demonstrated, there is little evidence that more than 3-5 years of experience boost teachers ability to increase student test scores or grades. Other measurable attributes such as how well the teachers did on their qualifying examinations, or what level of education a teacher has attained also do not significantly impact the students performance in classrooms. So although there is little consensus in the education profession about which measurable features make a good teacher, several studies have identified inherent traits and practices which assist teachers in reaching their students. To Be Self-Aware American teacher-educator Stephanie Kay Sachs believes that an effective teacher needs to have a basic sociocultural awareness of and acceptance of their own and others cultural identity. Teachers need to be able to facilitate the development of a positive self-ethnic identity and be aware their own personal biases and prejudices. They should use self-inquiry to examine the relationship between their fundamental values, attitudes, and beliefs, particularly with regard to their teaching. This inner bias affects all interactions with students but does not prohibit teachers from learning from their students or vice versa. Educator Catherine Carter adds that an effective way for teachers to understand their processes and motivation is to define an apt metaphor for the role they perform. For example, she says, some teachers think of themselves as gardeners, potters shaping clay, mechanics working on engines, business managers, or workshop artists, supervising other artists in their growth. To Perceive, Understand and Value Differences Teachers who understand their own biases says Sachs, are in a better position to view their students experiences as valuable and meaningful and integrate the realities of the students lives, experiences, and cultures into the classroom and subject matter. The effective teacher builds perceptions of her own personal influence and power over factors that contribute to student learning. In addition, she must build conceptual interpersonal skills to respond to the complexities of the school environment. The experiences of both teachers and students with individuals of differing social, ethnic, cultural, and geographic backgrounds can serve as a lens through which future interactions can be viewed. To Analyze and Diagnose Student Learning Teacher Richard S. Prawat suggests that teachers must be able to pay close attention to students learning processes, to analyze how students are learning and diagnose issues that prevent understanding. Assessments must be undertaken not on tests per se, but rather as the teachers engage students in active learning, allowing debate, discussion, research, writing, evaluation, and experimentation. Compiling results from a report of the Committee on Teacher Education for the National Academy of Education, Linda Darling-Hammond and Joan Baratz-Snowden suggest teachers must make their expectations for high-quality work known, and provide constant feedback as they revise their work towards these standards. In the end, the goal is to create a well-functioning, respectful classroom that allows students to work productively. To Negotiate and Take Risks in Teaching Sachs suggests that building on the ability to perceive where students are failing to fully understand, an effective teacher must not be afraid to seek out tasks for herself and the students that are optimal for their skills and abilities, recognizing that those efforts may not be successful. These teachers are the pioneers and trailblazers, she says, individuals who are challenge-oriented. Negotiation involves moving students in a certain direction, towards a view of reality which is shared by those in the disciplinary community. At the same time, teachers must recognize when some obstacles to such learning are misconceptions or faulty reasoning which need to be highlighted, or when a child is simply using her own informal ways of knowing which should be encouraged. This, says Prawat, is the essential paradox of teaching: to challenge the child with new ways of thinking, but negotiate a way for that student to not dismiss alternate ideas. Overcoming these obstacles must be a collaborative enterprise between student and teacher, where uncertainty and conflict are important, growth-producing commodities. To Have a Depth of Subject Matter Knowledge Particularly in the maths and sciences, educator Prawat stresses that teachers need to have rich networks of knowledge in their subject matter, organized around key ideas that could provide a conceptual basis for understanding. Teachers obtain that by bringing focus and coherence to the subject matter and allowing themselves to be more conceptual in their approach to learning. In this manner, they transform it into something meaningful for students. Sources Carter, Catherine. Priest, Prostitute, Plumber? The Construction of Teachers as Saints. English Education 42.1 (2009): 61–90. Print.Darling-Hammond, Linda, and Joan Baratz-Snowden. A Good Teacher in Every Classroom: Preparing the Highly Qualified Teachers Our Children Deserve. Educational Horizons 85.2 (2007): 111–32. Print.Goldhaber, Dan. The Mystery of Good Teaching. Education Next Spring 2002 (2002): 1–5. Print.Luschei, Thomas F. In Search of Good Teachers: Patterns of Teacher Quality in Two Mexican States. Comparative Education Review 56.1 (2012): 69–97. Print.Prawat, Richard S. Teaching for Understanding: Three Key Attributes. Teaching and Teacher Education 5.4 (1989): 315–28. Print.Robinson, Richard, et al. The Effective Teacher Revisited. The Reading Teacher 45.6 (1992): 448–48. Print.Sachs, Stephanie Kay. Evaluation of Teacher Attributes as Predictors of Success in Urban Schools. Journal of Teacher Education 55.2 (2004): 177–87 . Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon [With Tools and Resources]
How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon [With Tools and Resources] How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon [With Tools and Resources] How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon [With Tools and Resources] By Ali Hale Fifteen or twenty years ago, self-publishing was looked on as a last resort option for books that a publisher wouldn’t want to take on. It was also an expensive and time-consuming way to get a book out there. Self-publishers had to pay for a whole print run – maybe 1,000 or 2,000 copies – and they had to market it. During the past decade, though, there’s been a huge rise in the popularity of self-publishing. Print-on-demand technology has made it possible to print just one copy of a paperback at a time, and e-readers like the Kindle have made ebooks far more popular than they once were. There are also many more options for marketing a self-published book – for instance, authors can pay to advertise on Facebook or Amazon, carefully targeting an audience who they think will be interested in their book. The low cost of self-publishing also means it’s suitable for authors who are working on a book as a hobby – for instance, perhaps they’re writing a family memoir that they want to print for their grandchildren. If you’re thinking about self-publishing a book, you might be wondering how to even begin! In this post, I’ll take you through the basics you need to know – and give you plenty of links to further information. Are You Publishing a Print Book, an Ebook or Both? Before we go further, you need to think about whether you want to self-publish a paperback (or even a hardback) book that you can physically hold in your hands, or an ebook that can be downloaded onto a device. You may well want to publish both a print and an ebook edition of your book. But for some authors it makes sense to only do one or the other (or at least to start with just one). For instance: If you want to print a book to give to family and friends, or to sell in person at events, then you may only want to produce a print version. If your book is designed to be written in (e.g. a workbook or planner), again, it might make sense to only produce a print version. If your book is a mass-market novel that you want to sell cheaply and you don’t anticipate many people wanting to buy a printed version, then you may only want to bring it out as an ebook (which saves time/money on formatting and cover design). However, you might decide that you want to work on both the ebook and print version at the same time – which can help ensure that you prevent errors creeping in. It’s up to you how you go forward, but don’t feel that you have to do both ebook and print unless it makes sense for you. Where Will Your Book Be Sold? One way to publish an ebook would be to create the appropriate file formats and sell them directly from your own website. Most authors don’t do that, because it makes more sense to sell their ebook through a major online store – like Amazon, or the iBooks store. This is easy and familiar for readers, and it also means that the retailer will deal with any issues like returns and refunds. Amazon has the largest market share, and some authors choose to only publish their ebook with Amazon. Remaining exclusive to Amazon in this way has some benefits (chiefly, that your book is eligible to be enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited (KU) program, meaning readers signed up for KU can borrow it for free; you’ll receive a small fee each time it’s borrowed). If you want your book to appear in other ebook stores as well, you can distribute it to multiple retailers, such as the iBooks store and the Barnes Noble store, through third-party sites like Smashwords and Draft2Digital. With print books, again, you could sell them directly through your own site, but most authors don’t do that – you’d have to keep a stock of books at home, then package and send them out yourself whenever orders came in. Amazon is, again, the most popular retailer – but other online book stores also stock self-published books. Of course, you can also try to get your book into physical bookstores and libraries: if you’re keen to go down that route, it’s best to use Ingram Spark to print your book, as they can offer trade discounts. Further Reading: Selling Out: Going Wide or Going Exclusive to Amazon, David Kudler, The Book Designer Smashwords vs Draft2Digital Review, Dave Chesson, Kindlepreneur How to Self-Publish a Print Book, Joanna Penn, The Creative Penn How to Sell Your Self-Published book to Bookstores, Ingram Spark How to Publish an Ebook: A Simple Ebook Publishing Guide to SELL, Bella Rose Pope How to Prepare Your Completed Manuscript At this stage, I’m going to assume you have a finished, edited, proofread manuscript. Many self-publishing authors advocate hiring an editor to ensure that your book is as good as it can be: if that’s not affordable for you, then see if a few friends would be willing to â€Å"beta read†the book and offer feedback. At the very least, you’ll want to get someone else to read through and look out for typos – it’s tough to proofread your own work, as you know what you think you wrote! For your manuscript to look like a â€Å"real†finished book, whether ebook or paperback, it’s important to format it in the right way. Here are some general pointers for both ebooks and paperbacks: Include a title page. This is a page at the start of your book, with the title in a large font and centred, and your author name below this (probably in a smaller font). Look at the first page or two any paperback you own, or look at the start of an ebook, to see what a title page looks like. Include a copyright page. You can see examples of these in any book or ebook, and you may want to base yours on those examples (they’re generally very similar to one another in wording). Consider including a table of contents. If your manuscript has been created in Word or a similar program, use the in-built â€Å"Table of Contents†feature to automatically create a table – this will then be linked to the different chapters within your book, if you’ve set those up using heading styles. Which leads me on to Use heading styles for your chapters titles. If you normally write â€Å"Chapter 1†then highlight the text and manually set the font size, that’s not a good way to set things up. Instead, use the â€Å"Heading 1†style in Word for each chapter title. You can use â€Å"Heading 2†for subsections within the chapter. This saves you time, as it means you can reformat all the chapter headings with a few clicks, by changing the Heading 1 style. The next two tips apply particularly to ebooks that you’ll be publishing on Amazon, but they’re also good ones to follow when you’re formatting your manuscript for a print book: Don’t use the â€Å"tab†button or multiple spaces to indent paragraphs. These won’t work well when your book is converted into an ebook format, and it’s easy for them to end up looking inconsistent. Instead, edit the â€Å"Normal†style in Word to set a first line paragraph indent. This should change all your text automatically. (You’ll need to remove any tabs or extra spaces that you’ve included, though: the quickest way to do this is using Find and Replace.) Don’t use the â€Å"enter†or â€Å"return†key to bump text down onto a new page (e.g. at the end of a chapter). Remember that in the ebook version, the length of each â€Å"page†will be determined by the reader’s device settings – so those big gaps could end up appearing in the middle of a page. Instead, use a â€Å"page break†. You can either enter these manually each time, or set up the Heading 1 style so that there’s always a page break before each bit of Heading 1 text. These final two tips apply to print books: Make sure that â€Å"page 1†of your book will appear on the right-hand side of a double-page spread and that your subsequent chapters also start on the odd numbered pages (if you look in any print book, you’ll see what I mean)! This may mean inserting a â€Å"blank page†into your manuscript at some points. Always use the template provided by the company who’ll be printing this book (and make sure you’ve downloaded it in the right size for your finished book). This means that things like the margin (the space around the edges of the page) and gutter (the bit in the middle of a double page spread) will be set correctly for you. Further Reading: The Self-Publisher’s Guide to the Copyright Page (with Template), Reedsy Smashwords Style Guide, Mark Coker A Quick Guide to Formatting Your Microsoft Word Manuscript for Amazon’s Kindle, Ali Luke, Aliventures Getting a Cover for Your Book If you’re publishing in ebook form only, you’ll need a front cover: this is the image that appears for your book on Amazon and in other e-retailer’s stores. It should be a flat, rectangular image (not a stylised 3D one that looks like a book). If you’re going to publish a paperback, you’ll need a front cover, spine and back cover. These are normally supplied as a single image that wraps around your book. Cover design makes an enormous difference to how people perceive your book. If you create the cover yourself, chances are, it’ll end up looking a bit amateur. Readers will inevitably assume that the quality of the cover says something about the quality of the book (even though your book might be brilliantly well-written). So, if possible, do budget for a cover designer. There are loads of companies and individuals out there who offer cover design – you might want to ask around to see who other authors are using. I use Design for Authors for my novel covers: their prices are very reasonable and they do great work. Further Reading: How to Design a Fiction Book Cover in Canva, Ihor Tureh, Kindlepreneur The e-Book Cover Design Awards series, Joel Friedlander, The Book Designer (scroll down for links to each month’s post) Mastering Book Cover Design, G2 Pricing Your Book What should you charge for your finished book? If it’s a print book, this will be determined in part by how much it costs to produce the book – if it costs you $6.50 per book, you’ll want to charge more than that so you make a profit. You won’t want to charge so much, though, that people don’t buy it! With ebooks, pricing can be a little tricky. Your costs per book sold are negligible so should you charge as little as possible and hope for lots of sales, or charge more to get more profit per book? This is further complicated by Amazon’s royalty system. Amazon pays: 35% royalties on books priced between $0.99 and $2.98 70% royalties on books priced between $2.99 and $9.99 35% royalties on books priced at $10 or more This means that you’ll probably not want to price your ebook over $9.99, even if it’s a complex piece of non-fiction or several novels all in one. Some authors find that pricing at $0.99 or $1.99 results in sufficient extra sales to make up for the lower royalty rate; others think it’s better to price at $2.99, $3.99 or $4.99. With non-fiction, you may well want to go higher than this $7.99 or $8.99 are not uncommon. Further Reading: Pricing Books And The Use Of Free, Joanna Penn, The Creative Penn The Price Is Right: 6 Secrets to Pricing Your Ebook, David Kudler, The Book Designer How to Publish Your Book Online Whether you use Amazon or another service to publish your book, you’ll need to have certain information to hand – both about your book and about you. You can create your account here on Amazon, or you can use your existing Amazon(.com) account. It’s then a step-by-step process to upload your manuscript and enter information about your book – like the title, author name, pricing, and so on. You’ll have the option to preview your manuscript. Do check that everything in the preview appears the way you want it. You can always adjust and re-upload your manuscript if you need to. Once you click the button to publish your book, it may take up to 48 hours to appear on Amazon’s online store. If you’re using Draft2Digital or Smashwords to publish your book, they’ll have a different process, and it may take longer for your books to appear in stores. With print books, the process can take a little longer as you’ll probably want to order a physical proof to examine and approve, before putting your book live for people to buy. However you’re selling your book, at some stage, you’ll need to enter your bank account details and your tax information. You don’t always need to enter these in order to publish a book, but you will need them before you can receive money. Further Reading: Getting Started: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon How to Publish with Draft2Digital, Draft2Digital Theres a LOT to think about when self-publishing a book – and plenty of details that we haven’t had space to cover in this post but will do in subsequent ones. You may also want to join the Alliance of Independent Authors, a worldwide organisation that offers lots of help and services for self-publishing authors: I’ve been a member for several years now and, again, highly recommend it. Best of luck with your book! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had20 Pairs of One-Word and Two-Word Forms1,462 Basic Plot Types
Sunday, October 20, 2019
5 Key Components of Great Feature Stories
5 Key Components of Great Feature Stories Hard-news stories are typically an assemblage of facts. Some are better-written than others, but they all exist to fulfill a simple purpose- to convey information. Feature stories convey facts as well, but they also tell the stories of peoples lives. To do that, they must incorporate facets of writing often not found in news stories, ones often associated with fiction writing. A Great Lede A feature lede can set a scene, describe a place or tell a story. Whatever approach is used, the lede must grab the readers attention and pull them into the story. Heres a lede from a New York Times story about former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and his meetings with a prostitute in a posh Washington hotel: It was after 9 on the night before Valentine’s Day when she finally arrived, a young brunette named Kristen. She was 5-foot-5, 105 pounds. Pretty and petite.This was at the Mayflower, one of Washington’s choicer hotels. Her client for the evening, a return customer, had booked Room 871. The money he had promised to pay would cover all expenses: the room, the minibar, room service should they order it, the train ticket that had brought her from New York and, naturally, her time.A 47-page affidavit from an F.B.I. agent investigating a prostitution ring described the man at the hotel as â€Å"Client 9†and included considerable detail about him, the prostitute and his payment methods. But a law enforcement official and another person briefed on the case have identified Client 9 as Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York. Note how the details- the 5-foot-5 brunette, the room number, the minibar- build a sense of anticipation about the rest of the story. Youre compelled to read more. Description The description sets the scene for the story and brings the people and places in it to life. A good description prompts a reader to create mental images in their mind. Any time you accomplish that, youre engaging the reader in your story. Read this description from a St. Petersburg Times story by Lane DeGregory about a neglected little girl, found in a roach-infested room: She lay on a torn, moldy mattress on the floor. She was curled on her side, long legs tucked into her emaciated chest. Her ribs and collarbone jutted out; one skinny arm was slung over her face; her black hair was matted, crawling with lice. Insect bites, rashes, and sores pocked her skin. Though she looked old enough to be in school, she was naked- except for a swollen diaper. Note the specifics: matted hair, skin pocked with sores, the moldy mattress. The description is both heartbreaking and repulsive, but necessary to convey the horrific conditions the girl endured. Quotes While good quotes are vital for news stories, they are imperative for features. Ideally, a feature story should include only the most colorful and interesting quotes. Everything else should be paraphrased. Look at this example from a New York Times story about the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995. In the story, reporter Rick Bragg describes the rubble and the reactions of the firefighters and rescue crews responding to the scene: People could not stop looking at it, particularly the second floor, where a child care center had been.A whole floor, said Randy Woods, a firefighter with Engine No. 7. A whole floor of innocents. Grown-ups, you know, they deserve a lot of the stuff they get. But why the children? What did the children ever do to anybody. Anecdotes Anecdotes are nothing more than very short stories. But in features, they can be incredibly effective in illustrating key points or in bringing people and incidents to life, and theyre often used to construct feature ledes. Heres a good example of an anecdote from a Los Angeles Times story about the skyrocketing cost of fighting wildfires: On the morning of July 4, 2007, ranch hands were fixing a water pipe on private land in a narrow canyon off the road to Zaca Lake, about 15 miles north of Solvang.The temperature was headed toward 100 degrees. Rainfall the previous winter had been among the lowest on record in Southern California. Sparks from a metal grinder jumped into some dry grass. Soon flames were rushing through the brush toward Zaca Ridge.By the next day, nearly 1,000 firefighters were trying to box the fire into a small area. But late that afternoon, the Zaca made a run, moving east into Los Padres National Forest. By July 7, Forest Service officials realized they were facing a potential monster. Note how the writers, Bettina Boxall and Julie Cart, quickly and effectively summarize the genesis of a fire that plays a central role in their story. Background Information Background information sounds like something youd find in a news story, but its equally important in features. All the well-written description and colorful quotes in the world wont suffice if you dont have solid information to back up the point your feature is trying to make. Heres a good example of solid backgrounding from the same Los Angeles Times story about wildfires mentioned above: Wildfire costs are busting the Forest Service budget. A decade ago, the agency spent $307 million on fire suppression. Last year, it spent $1.37 billion.Fire is chewing through so much Forest Service money that Congress is considering a separate federal account to cover the cost of catastrophic blazes.In California, state wildfire spending has shot up 150% in the last decade, to more than $1 billion a year. Note how the writers marshal their facts to clearly and unequivocally make their point: The cost of fighting wildfires is rising dramatically.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Management of People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Management of People - Assignment Example making; in part due to the fact that he chose to higher Johnny Walsh outside the traditional recruitment and internal selection process that so many individuals within the company had come to expect will define the way in which promotion or internal selection was defined. Interestingly, beyond understanding formal and informal communication based upon the concept of what Desmond came to understand here, a more accurate representation would be to understand informal and formal communication within the company, based upon the way in which stakeholders came to understand the limitations that defined the work process. For instance, employees, cognizant of the fact that Johnny Walsh may indeed be a very close friend of the CEO, abstained from making formal complaints with the understanding that this would reflect negatively upon their own professionalism and might constrict their potential for future advancement within the firm. However, informal communication was rampant; with individuals from different departments actively complaining and discussing the hardships that they face when dealing with Johnny Walsh. This informal communication became so systemic that individuals that were not even directly related to the chain of command under Johnny Walsh wer e well aware of the problems. However, the greater drawback had to do with the fact that this informal communication structure circumvented leadership and did not allow the CEO to make an informed or accurate decision based upon the inputs that might otherwise have been received. As Levenberg & Caspi (2010) indicate, without a thorough and complete application of best practices in both formal and informal communication, the degree and extent to which effect progress and be achieved and work performed is severely constrained. Instead of allowing one form of communication to define the culture of how knowledge and understanding is transmitted, this task should be expanded to allowing a synthesis of both to be utilized
Friday, October 18, 2019
Project Law and Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Project Law and Evidence - Essay Example Goodwin was tried and found guilty of both offences on 31 May 2006. Whilst the defense case is that Goodwin may have been guilty of burglary, the prosecutions case was that Goodwin also shot victim, in an execution style, and then stole from him.Much of the case against Goodwin relied upon scientific evidence. This consisted of three main items found at the scene of the crime. Firstly the prosecution produced evidence of a cigar stub; found a few feet from the basement window, within which the victim was discovered. Secondly, the police had discovered the defendants palm print on the inside of a window through which the intruder entered the property. Both of these items of evidence were connected directly to Kevin Godwin through the scientific method of DNA testing. As he had a previous conviction, a DNA sample from the defendant, they were able to directly link the DNA to Goodwin. The third item of evidence from the crime scene was a boot print, which the prosecution claimed matched a pair that Goodwin owned and was wearing on the day of the murder, however they could not confirm the exact size, only that the design was consistent with Godwin’s boots. At the defendant’s home the police found a gun and a humidifier that belonged to the victim. They also found other physical evidence of stolen property at a later date, being two other guns from the victim’s collection. Thus we find there are two types of evidence submitted in this case, scientific, being the DNA and physical.
How changes and developments in communication and information Thesis Proposal
How changes and developments in communication and information technology may influence the coordination of firms worldwide operations - Thesis Proposal Example This essay stresses that the research methodology utilised to analyse the research data and describes the various methods used in this study. This research paper basically consists of two data sets – primary and secondary. Primary data set consists of a survey and a questionnaire administered to 40 odd ICT executives and managers at firms with overseas operations. While responses to the survey would be recorded with much more accuracy and detail, responses to the questionnaire would be sifted and collated to identify significant trends and process orientations in company decisions to adopt ICT in the changing overseas markets. Secondary data is being collected through an extensive research effort conducted both online and in libraries. The researcher extensively used the books written on the topic and also studied research journals, reports, graphs, articles, newspaper articles and so on. This report makes a conclusion that the interaction is what differentiates the direct methodology from indirect methodology. Structured interviews enable the interviewer to ask each respondent the same questions in the same way. A tightly controlled structured schedule of questions and format is used, very much like a questionnaire. The questions contained in the questionnaire were planned in advance. The interviewer has some discretion how these might be elaborated/explained but the aim is to standardize data as far as possible and to eliminate biases due to different wordings.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Engineering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Engineering management - Essay Example The oil and gas sector controls approximately 90% of the global economy. The gross domestic product of many oil producing and exporting countries is heavily reliant on the production of these resources [3]. Exploitation of oil and natural gas is done both onshore and offshore and it is then transported from the wells through pipelines to the refineries. Globally, an average of 2500-3000 billion barrels of oil is produced daily and due to the increasing demand for oil and natural gas, production has increased over the years [1]. Due to the increasing exploitation of oil, it is feared that this important resource will eventually be exhausted and there is need to put sustainable measures of exploitation in order to ensure that the economies are not adversely affected. Due to the increased production of oil, more networks of pipelines have been laid out to transport oil between points [3]. Losses of oil due to spillage and theft has increased substantially and this has mainly resulted fr om various factors such as: defects in materials, pipes corrosion, erosion on the ground, vandalism of oil facilities and the tectonic forces occurring due to movement of tectonic plates. The impact of these occurrences can be fatal since they result into environmental pollution, massive fires and if the spillage occurs onshore, marine life is greatly endangered [2]. Nigeria is the leading country in oil theft and spillage. Oil spillage results from corrosion of pipes, poor maintenance of the oil and gas facilities, sabotage, failure of equipment and theft. Multinational companies such as shell that have heavily invested in the country have lost millions of dollars due to oil spillage costing the economy one billion dollars every month [2]. The government of Nigeria has enacted laws to curb oil theft and spillage which enforce heavy
Behavioural Intervention Grading Scheme Case Study
Behavioural Intervention Grading Scheme - Case Study Example Alyssa will get a chance to showcase her potential and overcome the obstacle of Autism to thrive in the world of education just like her peers and mentors. Alyssa’s problem behaviour of punching and scratching her legs and arms when upset has led to her being moved away from her peers and other care givers. This has led to her being examined by her physician, Dr. Taylor who has recommended a rationale and monitoring her behaviour since she does not have any history. The Joint attention process is one of the underpinning skills of communal behaviour. A joint attention is a communal contact between a child and another whereby they carve up attention on a familiar subject matter or purpose. Joint attention develops by whats more responding to one’s awareness directive or developing joint attention with an extra person. The major rationale of the Joint attention program is the â€Å"application of an objective as the way for obtaining a grown-ups attention†. The involved child (in our case Alyssa) develops a significant social contact with the adult care givers by directing their gazes at the mutual objective or coming to terms with the adults’ satisfaction of the objective by smiling and responding properly. Imitation is the foundation for gaining a new-fangled skill set. A child suffering from autism will observe a skill and emulate the behaviour in anticipation of competently learning and generalizing the new skill into all domains. Alyssa will definitely benefit from taking part in such a task since she will feel accommodated and gain the confidence of her peers and care givers. Social play manners is a multifaceted set of inherent behaviours used to pilot peer play. Restricted ability to act in response to joint attention bids, kick off social interaction and emulate social behaviour diminish social play
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Engineering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Engineering management - Essay Example The oil and gas sector controls approximately 90% of the global economy. The gross domestic product of many oil producing and exporting countries is heavily reliant on the production of these resources [3]. Exploitation of oil and natural gas is done both onshore and offshore and it is then transported from the wells through pipelines to the refineries. Globally, an average of 2500-3000 billion barrels of oil is produced daily and due to the increasing demand for oil and natural gas, production has increased over the years [1]. Due to the increasing exploitation of oil, it is feared that this important resource will eventually be exhausted and there is need to put sustainable measures of exploitation in order to ensure that the economies are not adversely affected. Due to the increased production of oil, more networks of pipelines have been laid out to transport oil between points [3]. Losses of oil due to spillage and theft has increased substantially and this has mainly resulted fr om various factors such as: defects in materials, pipes corrosion, erosion on the ground, vandalism of oil facilities and the tectonic forces occurring due to movement of tectonic plates. The impact of these occurrences can be fatal since they result into environmental pollution, massive fires and if the spillage occurs onshore, marine life is greatly endangered [2]. Nigeria is the leading country in oil theft and spillage. Oil spillage results from corrosion of pipes, poor maintenance of the oil and gas facilities, sabotage, failure of equipment and theft. Multinational companies such as shell that have heavily invested in the country have lost millions of dollars due to oil spillage costing the economy one billion dollars every month [2]. The government of Nigeria has enacted laws to curb oil theft and spillage which enforce heavy
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Career Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Career Management System - Essay Example The various common elements of the career management system are examined for planning and shaping the career path of employees. The organizational growth chart is important incentive for the employees to work hard to achieve higher professional status within an organization (Gutteridge & Leibowitz, 1993). The possible career options and avenues of personal and professional growth within the firm help employees to plan their future growth. Thus, organizations need to develop clear career ladders for the workers that they might seek to advance their career. The organizational policies and procedures are critical paradigms that help create an environment of constant motivation for the employees to work with high commitment. The internal job search and facilities provided within organizational to the employees need to be constantly communicated across the workforce. Compensation, career moves, eligibility for new job or promotion etc. are important issues for workers who strive for growth to achieve their ambitions and career related objectives. Thus, strategies and policies must include the changing nature of the society that is increasingly becoming multicultural and focus more training and development of human resource to meet the challenges of the global competition. Organizations need to create facilitating environment of constant learning. It not only helps to nurture high standard of ethics and quality work but it also helps employees to acquire new skills that would add value to their core competencies leading to higher performance. Most importantly, improving skills and gaining knowledge provide workers with cutting edge competition that helps them to meet the challenges with new vigor and motivation. The networking across the community helps to create new job opportunities for not only new job aspirants but also for the
Monday, October 14, 2019
The mass media Essay Example for Free
The mass media Essay The mass media, including TV, radio, newspapers play a very important role in our modern life. They have changed our life very much. Mass media have a great influence on people and especially on the younger generation. It plays an important role in shaping the opinions and position of the younger generation. In the present, the younger generations are influenced by the mass media, including TV, radio, and newspapers. They think this is the model for them because in daily life is necessary for everyone therefore it is not unusual that it have a great influence on the people and especially on the younger generation. . It plays an important role in shaping the opinions and position of the younger generation. The younger imitate by the mass media and it has impact for younger that is impact for dressed, language, and behaviour. Some people utilize mass media for their own interest. By on air broadcasting, information is spreaded to many people in many places in short time. Some studies show that people could spend more than five until eight hours each day to watch tv, listen to radio, or read newspaper. Furthermore, the development of technology creates a new trend of enjoying the mass media by Internet. The ease of access, cheap cost, and mobility increase the amount of people who obtain information from the mass media. According to this fact, the mass media affects in forming ideas of greater number of people supported by the development of technology. The human brain works every second absorbing information consciously and unconsciously. In many cases, human keeps unconsciously absorbed information rather than consciously absorbed one. By repetition of the same information, the mass media unintentionally shapes people’s ideas. The clearest fact today shows that with much news about crime published almost everyday through TV, radio, and newspaper, people start to accept that crime is an ordinary matter in their life. It results in the increasing of crime rate committed from unconsciously absorbed information, which is obtained from mass media. This fact proves that the repetition of the same information every day, people accept the truth of one statement. In conclusion, Peoples thinking is obtained from the information which comes from various sources, especially mass media. Every house has at least one kind of mass media, whether it is TV, radio, or newspaper.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Reduction Of Global Warming And Maintaining Sustainability
Reduction Of Global Warming And Maintaining Sustainability Global warming is defined as an increase in the earths atmosphere. It is really harmful for environment. Pollution is also one of the big cause of global warming. Pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and greenhouse gases contribute to the global warming. Greenhouse gases particularly human produced carbon dioxide are responsible in increase in global warming. Global warming could result various deadliest effects such as spread of diseases, warmer water and more occurrence of hurricanes, natural disasters, migrations, conflicts and wars and so on. In order to avoid such effects, global warming cannot be totally eradicated but it can be reduced drastically. Global warming needs serious attention about its effect and measures need to be taken to reduce global warming in order to maintain a proper sustainable environment. Global warming apparently is an increase in the global temperature but the change of temperature will not be uniform everywhere. The change in temperature is also called greenhouse effect. Troposphere which is known as the lowermost layer of the atmosphere traps heat by natural process due to the presence of greenhouse gases resulting into the change in temperature of the earth. The more the concentration of the greenhouse gases, the more is the amount of heat being trapped. The temperature of earth would be very low but in the presence of greenhouse gases the temperature of earth is comparatively very high which we called global warming. Researchers estimated that the earths mean temperature will rise between 1.5 to 5.5 degree Celsius by 2050, if the input of greenhouse gases continues to rise at the present rate (Indian Journal of Science Technology). Another effect of global warming is the rise in sea level. It also changes in pattern of rainfall which affects the distribution of vector borne diseases such as malaria, elephantiasis, and so on. Global warming has also big negative impact on agriculture. Soil moisture and vapor transition will increase which may drastically affect agricultural production. The increase in temperature and humidity will increase pest growth like the growth of vectors for various diseases. Several measures were taken in the past to control global warming. There are more measures constantly being taken every now and then. The main idea is to cut down the rate of use of Chlorofluorocarbon and fossil fuel. Agriculture also helps in reducing global warming. Now a days most of the farmers use chemicals in their crop to grow them faster and make them more attractive .This has bad effect on our environment which is also indirectly increasing global warming. This cause pollution as well as make most of the people sick. So, chemicals shouldnt be used in agriculture. Farmers should think about environment rather than money. Natural pesticides does not harm environment. So, natural pesticides should be used to make crops healthy. Small things which are unnoticeable also have big effect on environment. So, all of us should be more careful and think about its positive as well as negative aspects. Specially recycled, less using, and re using is a very important method to not only less using the waste products but also to help maintain the budget which keeps the economy flowing. Products such as papers, plastics, aluminum cans, and glasses can be recycled for re utilizes purposes. We should reduce using waste which cannot be recycled. Also we should not throw papers everywhere. Instead we can start from our home by collecting papers and later on give it to recycle. Reusing or recycling programs have to be maintained in every place from house to school as well as businesses and streets. In fact, by recycling half of the waste product 2400 pounds of carbon di oxide can be saved annually. For example: In my college we have two trash cans nearby in one its written waste only and in another its reuse. So, those students are throwing papers, plastics in reuse and other unnecessary trash on waste only. It will be easy for them to re-use the papers and save from pollution. Now technology is stepping forward day by day. They are making new ideas, new programs and new inventions. They are making different electrical production from which we can reduce using fuels and things which harm environments. For example: I am from Nepal and when I was small my mother used to cook food by burning woods but as I get older I saw many changes coming, then my mother started cooking food from fuel. Now we are here and my mother cooks food from microwave or oval which is electrical. Not only in the case of making food .Cars, computers and other many things has changed due to the progress on technology. Few years ago cars used to smoke emission which made air pollution and the sound from that made noise pollution but now here is car with no pollution. Slowly we are saving our environment. New techniques are making our environment as well as our life better. Also not only environment but its reducing global warming. On the other hand, usage of energy efficient products could help in reducing global warming. For example, if we buy a car that offers good mileage doesnt not only save fuel but also produce less carbon dioxide which helps to protect the environment. In fact, any vehicle that runs by battery would be better than any other vehicle that runs by fuel. Also drive less and drive smart is another technique that can be used practically in our daily life. Less driving means fewer emissions and fewer emissions means less chances of global warming. I have hybrid car and I am saving lots of fuel. I think cars like hybrid should be made more which will help in reducing global warming. Apart from that, we could also plant a tree which is another method to reduce greenhouse gases. Plants and its photosynthesis process are really very important for environment. Photosynthesis is a Natural process in which plants absorbs carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen which indicate safe environment. According to a report by environmentalists, a single tree absorbs one ton of carbon dioxide during its life time. Cutting tree will affect everyone. When plants are removed, the soils they observe also come out which cause heavy rainfall and destroy everything. With that removal of forest or tree there will be more carbon dioxide and less oxygen which totally harm environment. Deforestation is very dangerous for our environment which causes global warming. We should reduce cutting tree but if we really need to cut tree then we should plant another tree which will help in reducing global warming as well as balance the environment. Everyone is thinking about reducing global warming. Besides following all the possible methods and techniques to reduce the production of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, it is very important to be aware from personal level to help reduce the global warming. Population is increasing day by day. And growing population has biggest effect on global warming. The way they live, the food they eat and everything affect environment. So, less population will surely help to reduce global warming. Education also plays one of the biggest roles in reducing global warming. Many people dont even know what is mean by global warming. So, every individual should be made aware of the effects of the global warming which would help reduce the increasing temperature of the earth due to global warming. Its a tough task to reduce global warming and every individual should contribute as much as possible in order to reduce the global warming and maintain the sustainability. Since there is little doubt that global warming is influence by human actions, it can also be stopped by our own actions. Something should be done to stop it before it turned out to be very bad. We can act towards things that produce little greenhouse gases as much as possible. Our own approach can makes a difference in protecting our environment and making it sustainable as much as possible for the generations to come. Work Cited Walker, Mary L. Nuclear Power Is a Solution to Global Warming Global Warming. Ed. Cynthia A. Bily. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Using Nuclear Power to Counter Global Warming. Sun Diego Union-Tribune16 Sept. 1999. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. Programs to Reduce Carbon Emissions. New York Times 18 Aug. 2012: A18 (L).Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. Top 10 Thing You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming, Environmental issues Ganesh, P. H. Roop, Global Warming/Greenhouse Effect, Indian Journal of Science Technology; Mar2011, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p219-222, 4p, 1, Academic Search Complete, North Lake Col. Library. The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming. The Environment: A Revolution in Attitudes. Kim Masters Evans. 2008 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Nov. 2012.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Kate Chopins Desirees Baby :: Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin
Desiree's Baby is a short story written by Kate Chopin. It is set in 19th century Louisiana. The story starts with Madame Valmonde going to visit Desiree and her baby. She thinks back on her memories of Desiree as a baby: "It made her laugh to think of Desiree with a baby. Why it seemed but yesterday that Desiree was little more than a baby herself." This quote tells us two things. The first is that Madame Valmonde must have known Desiree as a child and is either a close family friend of even a member of the family herself. The second thing is that Desiree is young. The word "baby" could either mean childlike or physically young. Desiree seemed to be a normal child and had had a normal childhood. The third paragraph tells us more about Desiree's background: "She had been purposely left by a band of passing Texans." This makes us think that she he had been abandoned at a very young age outside Madame Valmonde ´s home. We can also tell from paragraph five that "She was nameless." No one knew what her name was or what her family background was like. It was all a rumour. Eighteen years after this, Armand Aubigny fell in love with Desiree. From the fifth paragraph of the first page we can tell that Armand was very proud of his family name. "What did it matter about a name when he could give her one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana?" This is a very old fashioned point of view. To Armand, his name was everything. There is a very strong social contrast between the nameless Desiree and Armand. Signs of racism become apparent in the book on page 67: "Young Aubigny ´s rule was a strict one, too, and under it his Negroes had forgotten how to be happy." Armand must have treated them very harshly and made them unhappy. His home is described as being sad looking and quite dreary. The second paragraph of page 67 gives the reader a description of the type of home Armand owns. There are muslins, a couch decorated with laces, there are also slaves. Madame Valmonde ´s first reaction to the baby was one of shock and astonishment: "This is not the baby!" Theoretically this isn't very significant because babies tend to grow very quickly and their outward appearance can change very fast. The eighth paragraph on this page gives us a hint at why Madame ValmondÃÆ' © was so startled when she first saw the baby. "Madame Valmonde had never removed her eyes from the child. She lifted it and walked with it over to the window
Friday, October 11, 2019
Hunters in the Snow Essay
Friendship. What does it mean? I believe that friendship means that you’re there for a person no matter what and if they are in need then you would do anything to help them out. Hunters in the Snow doesn’t exactly define friendship. If anything it defines betrayal. Throughout this short story some of the characters do actions to their â€Å"friend.†Betrayal and loyalty is kind of the theme throughout the story and it makes a person think about who their real friends are. In Hunters in the Snow, Kenny, Tub, and Frank are all supposed to be friends, but through a couple series of events make a person wonder what exactly friendship means to them. Each one of the characters has certain traits that can lead them to betray them. Towards the end of the story, the reader starts to feel sorry for Kenny after Tub and Frank leave him in the back of the pickup while they go eat pancakes, then Frank and Tub â€Å"accidentally†make a wrong turn so they couldn’t get Kenny to hospital in time after being shot. Lack of loyalty also leads to betrayal in this short story. In the beginning, Tub and Kenny were pretty good friends, but towards the end, Kenny is almost the outcast when Tub and Frank just leave him in the back of the truck wounded while they stop and eat. Betrayal and loyalty is a key characteristic that is portrayed in Hunters in the Snow. After reading this short story it really makes on person think about the characteristics they look for in their friends. Throughout this short story it was pretty obvious that all three of the main characters lack characteristics of being a good friend, but they are all very good at backstabbing their â€Å"friends†.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Digital Espionage
Attacks on sites had been a common occurence ever since the boom of the Internet market, and it is only usual for people to get into the business themselves either legally or ilegally. Since the occurence of these attacks anti-virus companies had been built, adding yet another business into the market. But the level of attacks had been vastly improving, and one example is what happened on Google, one of the world’s leading search engine. On January 12, 2010, Google announced on its blog that it had been attacked. It was said to have occured from mid last year and finished last December.Google stated that over 20 other companies including Adobe and Microsoft, had also been victims. On that same day, US Secretary Hilary Clinton publicly asked for an explanation from the Chinese government. Google became aware of the attack themselves, through their inside sources. According to Newsweek, at the time, they contacted Rafal Rohozinski, CEO of The SecDev Group (a global security and research firm) because the attack was very similar to GhostNet (a large scale cyber spying event last March 2009) and they wanted to know what they could share that might be helpful to their in-house investigation.The attack seems to be emanating from the jurisdiction of China. Google said that the hackers were interested in accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. According to the Financial Times, a person named Ai Weiwei had his two accounts hacked, their contents read and copied. On the others, however, they were only able to view limited details such as the subject line and the creation date of the account. It was said that the attack started when an employee in China click on an infected linked, which was sent through an instant message.The attacker was able to access the person’s computer, and eventually Google’s headquarters in California. It also accessed Google’s Moma, an intenal directory that stores information on each of the em ployees work task. Carlos Carillo, principal consultant of Mandiant (security incident response and forensics firm) was also called in by Google. He said that it was â€Å"definitely one of the most sophisticated attacks I've seen in the last few years†¦ This wasn't something that a 16-year-old came up in his spare time.†He said that they’ve seen similar attacks like this on the government, but never on the commercial space. The level of the attack had certainly been done by a group of experts. Last January 14, 2010, McAfee reported that the attackers had exploited zero-day vulnerabilities and called the attack â€Å"Operation Aurora†. They exploited a hole in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer even if their DEP (Data Execution Prevention) was turned on. The vulnerability affects Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 on Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Server 2003, Server 2008 R2, as well as IE 6 Service Pack 1 on Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.It would be ve ry hard to exploit the flaw on Windows Vista or Windows 7, however, because of its advanced memory protection technology. Zero-day vulnerabilities are those flaws that are unknown to the developer. When the attacker discovers the vulnerability before the developer does, it can prove to be very dangerous. The attacker can either use the vulnerability to copy the information and make a similar program and then sell it to the market, or he can use the vulnerability to directly destroy the program of the developer.As with Google, analysts said that â€Å"China is likely using its maturing computer network exploitation capability to support intelligence collection against the U. S. government and industry by conducting a long term, sophisticated computer network exploitation campaign. †At least 10 to 20 terabytes of data had been taken from Google and other companies. Days after the attack, the exploit had been opened to the public, which are now dangerous to the internet communi ty. Paul Ducklin, Head of Technology (Asia Pacific) from Sophos Lab(developer and vendor of security software and hardware), explained how the exploit on Google was done.The Aurora explot relies on a used-after free bug. The exploit uses java script to control over the browser as it crashes. The exploit has all the usual javascript tricks: heap spray (technique used to facilitate arbitary code execution) and nop sleds (No Operation Execution, meaning to â€Å"slide†the instruction on its final destination) . At the end of the nop sled is the shellcode, (the actual malicious binary code that the hacker wants to execute) and a coming bid which uses javascript events that tricks the browser into misusing memory in the first place.He went to a test server wherein he edited the shellcode, that contains debug breakpoints and he added some human readable text â€Å"WARHEAD†so that if the computer crashed he can visually confirm that it was into the computer’s shellco de. He tried it in IE 6, wherein he put it in the debug controller and only attaching debug to it (the reason for doing so is of course because of the debug breakpoints, so if the exploit actually works, he can track back into the debugger). Then he clicked on Internet Explorer and visited the malicious site.The exploit actually relies on fetching image files. It worked when he tried to see the address on the debugger, â€Å"WARHEAD†came out. Usually, a good anti-virus program can protect internet users from these kind of exploits. In order to fix the IE flaw, Microsoft stepped out of its normal monthly patch cycle to release a patch. The users of IE are now required to run Windows update and click on MS10-002 update to fix it. Meanwhile, Google announced that it would stop censoring its search results in China.David Drimmond, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer of Google said â€Å"Users visiting Google. cn are now being redirected to Googl e. com. hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. †Censorship in China had been a rule to maintain the country’s communism. Censhorship prevents unapproved reformist, separatist, â€Å"counter-revolutionary†ideas from organizing themselves and spreading.It also prevents Chinese citizens from discovering or learning more about past and current failures of the Communist Party that could create or inflame anti-government sentiment. They had also intended on blocking foreign government websites to prevent the people from learning alternative systems of governance . What Google did was a risky step because China may stop doing business with Google altogether. And China, is one of the most sought-after market in the world today.Analysts expects China's search market to reach 10 billion yuan ($1.46 billion) this year. However, in 5 to 10 years, what G oogle did may prove to be advantageous for them. Ben Sargent, an analyst with Common Sense Advisory, a market research company said that â€Å"As a culture, China is much more long-term thinking than most other cultures. No other government takes such long-term views as the Chinese government,†Sargent said. â€Å"So Google is trying to out-Chinese the Chinese in terms of making a really long-term play for young people's hearts and minds in China. â€Å"Google had always been concerned on its position in China, but the country is too big of a market to ignore. As what Rohozinski have said, â€Å"Engagement is better than exclusion. †You can do a lot more for the people if you work from the inside than just standing around and watching. Google went in with their eyes wide open. Sergey Brin(founder of Google), who had been from the Soviet Union understood China on its political views. The cyber spying just gave them the opportunity to make their stand and make the wor ld praise them for it.
Color theory
Two more females could also be seen walking away from the flower stall. All the characters in the artwork are seen wearing traditional Malay clothing. The older lady operating the flower stall has a lot of facial expression and she is currently packing a bouquet of flowers together. The younger lady operating the flower stall is sitting on her left with a rattan basket on her lap. There are some flowers in her rattan basket and she is packing them together. The lady customer with a young child is busy choosing the flowers she wants from the basket placed in front of her while the other lady customer is still deciding on what flowers she wants. ) Technical Innovations: This artwork consists of a lot of texture. The canvas itself has a rough surface and oil based paint will leave behind some medium after it was dried. By using oil on canvas, the artist is able to create an artwork which rich in actual texture after it was completed. The artist had also created value in this artwork. Th e characters and objects in the artwork shows value as each Of them have a combination of light and darkness tone on them. The artist had used a combination of different values of the same color when painting the characters and objects.The artist had used a lot of pigmentation in creating this artwork. As a result, this artwork is rich in color. The artist had also minimized the space in this artwork. There is very little distance between the characters and objects in the artwork but the artist had made the characters further away smaller to show that their position is further away. As a result, the artwork gives a very compact yet realistic feeling to its audience. E) Opinion about the artwork I) Subject matters: All the people in this artwork are seen wearing a type of traditional Malay clothing known as the ‘Baja Koruna.The background also features a lot Of Reese and a dirt track, indicating that there is a high chance that this scene IS located in the countryside rather th an in the more developed cities. In my opinion, the artist is trying to tell us that this is a scene from a Malay village located in the countryside. The main characters of this artwork are the old lady and young lady running their flower stall and the supporting characters would be the few customers at the stall. The background of the artwork is yellowish in color, indicating that the time could be in the evening.In my opinion, the two ladies had set up their stall under a big tree to seek shelter room the hot evening sun as it is uncomfortable and it will cause the flowers to wilt faster. The lives of the people living in this village are simple as they could work as selling flowers by the roadside to support themselves. They are not bound by the rules and regulations normally found in the busy city life as portrayed in the artwork above. There are no local law enforcers to chase them away despite they are trading without a proper premise or license.This scene would not appear in large cities as city councils requires the sellers to obtain an official permit to be displayed at their stall or the city council will end in their people to chase them away or confiscate their goods. The flowers are separated based on their colors and were placed inside baskets to be presented to the customers. The flowers are only available in yellow, orange, red and purple. In my opinion, the variety of flowers available are limited due to it is currently not blossom season. The old lady in the artwork shows a light smile on her face when she is serving her customers.This shows that the people in this village are very polite and friendly towards each other. The old lady is holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand which consists of the red and yellow flowers. It is likely that she is wrapping the flowers chosen by her customer which is the lady with the little girl. Judging by the age of the lady, the young girl is most likely to be her daughter. It is possible that the lady was bringing her daughter out for a walk when they came across this flower stall where they decided to have a look and purchase some fresh flowers to decorate their home.There is a younger lady sitting beside the old lady at the flower store. In my opinion, she may be the daughter or granddaughter of the old lady and she is helping the old lady to run the flower stall. She has a rattan basket on her lap with some lower in it. It is possible that she may be packing the flowers according to the customer's demands. There is also another lady customer in dark red Malay dress. She is looking at the three silver buckets with her hand holding her chin. She may be indecisive on which flower to buy. There are also two Malay women walking away from the flower store.It is possible that they had just bought the flowers from the stall and are walking back to their home. Ii) Values: This artwork consists of the social and economy value. The artist is trying to show his/her audience the social and eco nomic conditions in a rural Malay illegal. Social value could be seen from the individuals in the artwork. The two ladies running the flower stall are dressed neatly but their clothes are plain and lack decorations. This suggests that they are not very rich and have a lower status in the society. The other three customers are wearing the same type of clothes but their clothes are more stylish with added patterns.They are also not working but are shopping for goods. This suggests that they are richer than the ;vow ladies running the flower stall and it is possible that they may from the middle or upper class of the society. However, none of the harassers in the picture showed arrogant attitude towards each other despite being from different social classes. The economic factor could also be seen from the artwork. Selling flowers is one of their local job in order to earn income. The two ladies running the flower stall is trading with their customers. Judging by the simple conditions o f the flower stall, the prices of the flowers should not be too high.The flower stall has a lot of customers. This suggests that the local economy is doing well as people have extra income to be spent on decorative items. A) Artwork 2 b) I) Title of the artwork – Koala Kananga Street I) Name of the artist- Ye Amok Sin iii) Media – Water Color iv) Date of origin -? Nil This artwork is a scene of a street in town. There are double storey shop lots painted in white along the street. All of the shop lots have their own signboard. There are Chinese and English writings on the signboards. There is a bakery shop at the left side of the picture with a lot of pastry trays stacked up outside the shop.There are also some stalls outside the shop lots. Some of the stalls have huge umbrellas over them but some do not and here are people selling things in the stalls. There are also a few customers looking at he goods on sale at the stalls under the huge umbrellas. There is a Tristan paddled by a man in the middle of the road. A lady is also seen walking alone On the street while carrying some goods in a plastic bag on her hand. This artwork is a blend of a few art elements. One of the elements found inside this artwork is value. The scene in artwork is an opened area and the artist had used value to show the direction of the light.The light source in the picture is on the upper left side of the picture as it is brighter on that side. Shadows of the buildings and people are also pointing towards the opposite erection of the light source. The usage of value had also given the objects in the artwork a 3-dimensional form on a flat piece of paper. The artist had also used space to create an illusion that some objects and people in the artwork are further away. The bakery shop on the left is bigger in size than the row Of shop lots on the right. This gives the audience an illusion that the bakery shop is the nearer and the row of shop lots are further away.The artist had also used the line element in this artwork. The people in the artwork are formed from vertical lines which could be seen from their straight postures. The artwork captures the scene at a very peaceful street called the Koala Kananga Street. The artists main focus on this artwork is the lady walking on the road, the bakery shop and the man selling things in the stall beside the bakery shop. There are shop lots along the street painted in white color. These shop lots contains traditional design elements which is normally found on buildings from the pre-first world war era.In my opinion, these buildings are painted in white color as it is the current trend of the time. People back then may perceive that white buildings look clean and tiny which could help hem attract more customers. There are also a lot of stalls along the street, indicating that it could be in the morning. There is a lady walking alone on the street with a bag of goods on her hand. She is seen in more modern clot hing. In my opinion, it is most possibly that she is a housewife from the medium or upper social class who is out to buy some raw materials needed for preparing dinner.The facial expression of the lady could not be clearly seen as her face is pointing towards the floor. It is possible that her children had gone to school and her husband had gone to ark, leaving her alone when she goes on her daily routine of going out shopping for family supplies. This could be the reason why she looks lonely and bored as she walks down the street. There is also a bakery shop on the left side of the artwork. It is a bakery shop because the ‘Bakery' word is written on the red signboard hanging outside the shop. There is a lot of pastry trays stacked up neatly outside the shop.These pastry trays are used by the bakery to put their finished products and it is possible that they are stacked outside the shop awaiting collection by customers. Judging from the large number of pastry trays outside the shop, his bakery shop is very profitable and is able to sell a lot of their products daily. This bakery store may be very famous or it is possible that the bread and pastries made by this bakery are very delicious. There is a small stall with a man selling things in it beside the bakery. The stall is hid under the shadow of the bakery shop and away from the sunlight.It is possible that the man chooses to place his stall to avoid the hot sun as he does not have a huge umbrella over his stall like the other stalls across the street. The size of his stall is also small and there is a bucket on the store. It is Seibel that he is selling beverages and uses the bucket to contain the beverages he had prepared. He could be earning a lot of money from the sales of his beverages as the weather is hot and shoppers walking along the street would stop at his stall for a drink and rest to refresh themselves. One of the windows on the second floor of the shop lot located opposite the bakery is op ened.This indicates that it is vacancy on the second floor Of the shop lot. It is possible that the family of the shop owner is currently living there. Most of the families of shop owners during that time live on the second lour of their shop to save up from paying additional rent for a house. It is also more convenient for the shop owners as they could run their business on the ground floor while being at home to take care of their families. All the shops have very clear signboards outside each of them and the signboards consists of Chinese and English writing.It is possible that this is a Chinese based community under the British colony. There are no cars and there is only a Tristan in the middle of the road. The number of cars at that time is very less and the Tristan is the main form of transport. The weather is also very hot as the stalls by the road have big umbrella over them to help them avoid the heat from the sun. The artwork consists of social and economy value. The artis t is trying to show his/her audience the social and economic conditions of Chinese community living under the British colony. The social value could be seen from the people in the picture.The lady walking in the middle of the street is wearing modern clothes influenced by western culture as brought by the British. It is possible that she is from a wealthier family as only the wealthy people at the time embraced the western fashion. She also does not go to work but stayed as a housewife. The owner of the small beverage stall is seen wearing more traditional Chinese clothing. He may be from a poorer family compared to the lady walking on the street. The economy value could also be reflected from the artwork. The artwork consists of shops and stalls on the street preparing to conduct business with their customers.This shows that the economic is in good conditions as the businesses are still going on well. A) Artwork 3 b) I) Title of the artwork – Penance Hill ii) Name of the art ist – Hen Chin Chining iii) Media – Oil Pastel iv) Date of origin -2014 This artwork is about the Funicular Train which is located at Penance Hill, Penance. This artwork is designed to look like three stamps from different era consisting of three different designs of the Funicular Train which was updated over time. The three stamps made up a timeline starting from the bottom and each contains design characteristics of the time.The stamp at the bottom represents the Funicular Train in the year 1923. It contains the Funicular Train in its first design and the picture is painted in black and white. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background. The word ‘1 c' is also seen on the top eight corner of the stamp and the year 1 923 was stated at the bottom of the stamp. The stamp in the middle consists of Funicular Train in its updated and more modern second design. There are less bushes and trees in the stamp in the middle compared to the stamp at the bottom.The Stamp in the middle is colored and the word ‘ICC' could be seen on the top right corner. The year 1977 was also stated on the bottom of the stamp. The stamp on the top features the Funicular Train in its latest design. There are even less trees and bushes in the background compared to the stamp in the middle and the clear blue sky are also clearly exposed. There is a ‘RMI' word on the top right corner of the stamp and it is recorded as the year 201 1 on the bottom part of the stamp. The artist had used different techniques when creating the three stamps in the artwork to give them a distinguished look from each other.The stamp at the bottom is created using the shading technique to replicate the black and white photos commonly found during the year 1923. Value is also shown in the stamp at the bottom as the artist had used different tone of shading when creating it. The stamp in the middle is created entirely from oil pastels and features the less advance drawing techni ques from the year 1977. The stamp also consists of the color value as it contains high color intensity. The stamp on the top is created from a blend of oil pastels and poster color.Oil pastels are used to paint the picture while the sky is finished in poster color to give the clouds a softer feeling. Value and space is utilizes by the artist to give the top stamp a look which resembles a modern photograph from 2011. This artwork is a combination of three smaller artworks in the shape of stamps. The stamps contain of images of different versions of the Funicular Train found at Penance Hill. The images are arranged from the bottom to the pop and the time of each image was included in the image itself by the artist to create timeline of the evolution of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill and the changes to Penance Hill.The images also contain of the characteristics of pictures found on stamps from their era. The stamp at the bottom consists of an image of the first generation Funicul ar Train at Penance Hill. The entire image is black and white in color and resembles the photos found on the stamps from that era because the artist is trying to replicate a stamp from that era. It was also stated as the year 1923 on the bottom part of the image. This is a message from the artist that the first generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at that year.The train is small in size and the design of the train is simple. The size of the train is small as there is no modern technology to design a train which is capable of carrying a heavier load. There are also less people visiting Penance Hill during that time. Therefore, there is no need for a bigger train as it will incur a higher cost to build it. The Funicular Train also has no windows and the train conductor's seat does not even have a door. This reflects that people of the time values function over form and comfort. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background.The artist is trying to tell the aud ience that the Penance Hill is undeveloped during that time. ‘1 c' is also written on the top right corner of the stamp and it represents the value of the stamp. The artist is trying to tell the audience about the economic conditions during that time and 15 cents is all that was required to send a letter. The stamp in the middle consists of an image of the second generation of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is colored and the drawing style highly resembles drawings found on stamps from that era.The year 977 was stated on the bottom of the image which is the year that the second generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at Penance Hill. The design of this train is more modern and has windows. This shows that the people at the time had started to value comfort and safety. The train is also larger in size and there are less trees and bushes in the background. The artist is trying to tell the audience that the Penance Hill is more developed at that ti me and there are more visitors. Therefore, the train is larger in size to cope with the increased number Of visitors. ‘ICC' is written on the top right ornery of the stamp.This shows that the local economy had bloomed and more money is required to send a letter compared to year 1923. The top stamp represents the latest and current look of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is more realistic and the drawing style resembles a stamp from the 21st century. The stamp is marked as year 2011 which is also the year the third generation Funicular Train was brought into service. This Funicular Train consists of a high tech-modern design and is larger in size. This shows that people from the 21 SST century seeks not only safety and inform but also speed in their travels.This image features even less bushes and trees than the image in the middle and the sky could be clearly seen. The artist is trying to convey a message saying that even more development had occurred and the t rees are depleting at Penance Hill. ‘RMI' is written on the top right side of the stamp. This shows that the local economy had experienced a huge increase as even more money is required to send a letter. By comparing the three pictures from different era side by side, the artist could show the development of the local economy and the development of Penance Hill.
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